Tuesday 29 September 2009


First off colin from work linked to me so heres his website www.colinjthomas.co.uk. Hes had a go at me for not speling everyting right but in the same post he says hes in the 'throes of moving house'. I may not be abel to spel very well but i can spell 'throws'!

anyway today im annoied by id cards that the goverment want's us all to have. its just like hitler really he wanted the jews to have id cards whats next - killing us all? it woudnt suprise me. its none of the goverments busness what my name is or wat i look like or my date of berth so why shoud i be forsed to have a id card?

Alredy its a fact that evryone is cought on cctv 300 times a day. so yester-day i was on cctv 300 times and most of those i wasnt doing anything ilegal! Its like its 1984 all over again.