Sunday, 23 August 2009

Lockerby Bomber

This is the 1st post on my new blog. welcome everybody its all about what I think about whats going on in the news etc.

I cant beleive they've let the Lockerby bomber go home to Libbya, its absolutly crazy. He shoud die in prison, they should throw away the "key" and life means life IMO. What about all the ppl he killed? what about there families, any of them would love to die quietly of cancer but they dont get to. And the lockerby bomb was in 1988 so thats 21 years before 9/11 in america. where do they think obama bin ladan got the idea from? it was from the lockerby bomb so he shoud have been found gilty of 9/11 as well.

Its always the saem like the other week with Raymond Briggs getting let out early for the great train robbery. i bet he wasnt even "ill", I mean look, hes suddenly much better. This lockerby bomber probaby faked his cancer to, when will ppl learn? Its all a joke and criminels know they can get out of prison as easy as they can get in. Lock up all the rapeists and murderers and expenses cheets and the country would be alright.

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